The Moon : Life is possible on Moon ?

India’s Chandrayaan 3 mission is set to explore the moon and uncover its secrets, such as the presence of water and other mysteries related to its landscape. People are wondering whether humans could live on the moon in the future.

Many countries like India, the United States, China, and Russia are searching for an answer. Actually, there is no oxygen on the moon, which makes the possibility of life very low. If humans manage to establish an oxygen supply on the moon.

They would still face challenges due to extreme temperatures. Recently, there was good news: scientists found that the temperature near the moon’s equator can reach up to 121 degrees Celsius during the day and drop to -133 degrees Celsius at night. In some places on the moon, the temperature can even go as low as -200 degrees Celsius.

Research revealed that there are large craters on the moon with temperatures similar to Earth. In these areas, a temperature of around 17 degrees Celsius is expected. However, there’s also a danger from solar radiation and harmful rays on it that make survival there unlikely.

Scientists believe that humans could protect themselves from these hazards in shelters. But there’s a need for more research in this area. How these craters formed is an interesting question.

How were the Craters formed ?

About 4.3 billion years ago, Earth experienced intense meteor showers, and it also suffered from impacts, leading to the creation of these large holes called “moon craters.” When someone goes to the moon, these craters pose the most significant threat.

On the Other Mars planet has been already confirmed with their environments and their resources . Mars has contains almost 95% of CO2, 2.7% of Nitrogen , 1.6% of Argon and 0.13% of Oxygen . That means mars has contains a lots of gases like our planet Earth .

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